Nothing better to do than be a mom of two...



Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm a busy mommy trying to make sure I take time to document my memories. Thanks for joining me on my journey as a wife, mommy, nurse, and aspiring photographer.

The happenings of the Vaillant 5

The happenings of the Vaillant 5
My beautiful Family

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Grant is ONE!!

Its been a whole year, an amazing one at that, since I held you in my arms for the first time. I will never forget the moment our eyes locked, it was love at first site. You had the most squishy kissable cheeks.....and you still do! You are the most laid back, go with the flow little man. Your favorite past time is getting into everything. You love dumping out the dogs water dish and squeezing your little body into small spaces...the most recent being the oven drawer! Everything...and I mean EVERYTHING you come in contact with is fair game for a the mouth it goes! I have to watch you like a hawk. You have been walking for a couple months now but you are walking with more confidence these days and I am feeling less of a need for a, mommy never really put a helmet on you but I sure did think about it a time or two! You are saying a few words, nothing really consistently but once in a while we hear a mama and dada. The new word is uh-oh, I just love it. You give high-five's, big hugs, and you love open-mouth kisses. You adore your siblings and want to be with them doing what they are doing at all times....I think they are warming up to the idea that you are here to stay. It took some getting use to, for them, to share me with you. Veda loves to be a little mommy to you and Grayson just loves being rough, he thinks your ready to wrestle! Lately, I have noticed him taking more of an interest in your presence and making sure that you are ok, as he once did when you were a newborn. I hope it lasts this time! I cannot wait to watch your bond with the two of them grow.

This 1st birthday has been a hard one for me, I'm trying hard to hold on to every last bit of your babyhood and you just are not having it. You want to be a big boy and I have to let you. I have to allow you to explore and be the little toddler that you want to be. Its such a happy/sad moment for mommy. I'm excited to see what your future holds and I'm sad to let go of that little 8lb 7oz baby I had a year ago. Its going to be an amazing journey! I love you to the moon and back Grant!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Sick, sick, sick!

I swear every time we do any kind of travel the kids pick up all kinds of nasty germs. It all Started Monday after our trip to Boyne. Veda was the first complaining of body aches and a sore throat... Grayson and Grant followed suit shortly after but Grayson was a trooper and didn't really have too many symptoms. Grant was the worst. 3 full days of high fevers and then a nasty rash. 

Just chillaxin!

Such a sweet little man!


Daddy was out of town for the weekend so mommy decided to load all of you up an head north to see Grandma Hosmer, Grandma Foster, and Auntie Ria. We had a wonderful time. I was really impressed with how well everyone did on a 5 hr trip in the car. So proud of you all! We spent the first night at Grandma Hosmer's house and you really enjoyed playing with all of her toys and going to feed the ducks. The next day we headed to lunch with Grandma Foster and then off to the park. Veda was challenged by the monkey bars while Grayson was enjoying the tire swing and Grant the baby swings. Later in the day we headed to Auntie Rias for a 2 day sweep over as Gray would say! It was so nice to catch up and be in the presence of such awesome company. It's so hard to only see my best friend once a year so we had a lot of catching up to do. Everyone played so nicely together. I wish out trip could have lasted a little longer but we missed daddy so we had to go home. Hopefully we will make the trip at least once more this summer so we can play at the beach!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Imperfect vision

Awhile back, at kindergarten registration you, miss Veda failed your vision prescreening so you needed an eye exam and low and behold, you have pretty bad vision and have to wear glasses all the time. You were devastated and it broke my heart. You are slowly starting to be ok with them and hopefully you won't mind them at all once your in school. You look adorable in them!