Nothing better to do than be a mom of two...



Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm a busy mommy trying to make sure I take time to document my memories. Thanks for joining me on my journey as a wife, mommy, nurse, and aspiring photographer.

The happenings of the Vaillant 5

The happenings of the Vaillant 5
My beautiful Family

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Some warm weather! 


These make momma smile!

Easter 2014

We enjoyed visiting grandma Hosmer the week before Easter and we celebrated with her, and what a blessing it was. I wish we lived closer. My children adore you grandma! They made homemade Easter baskets and made cutout Easter cookies. Grandma surprised them by telling the Easter bunny that he needed to visit grandmas house early since they were there. They went to bed that night Eager for what they would find in their baskets in the morning.

I worked the night before Easter so on Easter I was pretty tired but we still had a nice breakfast in the morning and I enjoyed watching the littles find their baskets and hunt for Easter eggs.

Later in the afternoon after I napped we went to Gary and JoAnne's for a nice Easter dinner with the rest of his family.

Little thumb sucker

Grant, you are so silly! You stopped sucking your thumb for a while and now your back at it! I hate to say it, but its cute. I just hope you outgrow it before you are six!


My entries have been few and far between because life has been so chaotic and it seems as though the days are flying by. March 5th I underwent a bowel resection, a necessary surgery to avoid an emergency surgery later due to a blockage. I had severe narrowing of my sigmoid colon. The surgery itself went on without a hitch but the recovery was another story.

I spent 4 nights in the hospital and was having severe pain. I was on a Morphine pump for a couple of those days, I didn't like it at all. My vision was blurry and all I did was sleep, and when I was awake and moving I still had severe pain. I did better once they shut it off and starting giving me medicine I could just take by mouth for pain.

I was finally discharged on the 4th day and I couldn't wait to get home and see my kiddos. They visited me at the hospital but it was very brief. I was hoping my return home would be easy and I wouldn't have much pain but of course life just doesn't always go as planned. It was one of the most difficult weeks I have ever had in my life. The boys got strep throat and couldn't go to daycare for 2 days and then we got a snow storm and daycare and school were closed. I loved having my family home but it didn't make for an easy recovery those first few days. Luckily, Joe is amazing and took care of everything and didn't seem to mind at all.

One week after my surgery I noticed that my incision started looking infected, so off to the surgeon for a check up. Yep, I was right. So, right there, without any pain medicine she opened the incision was an awful pain. She told me that a visiting nurse would come to my house and do dressing changes and then I would be getting a wound vac. WHAT?? NO! I couldn't believe all of this was happening to me, but it was. Luckily, I had an amazing nurse that helped get me through it. There were ups and downs of the wound vac, it was helping to heal my wound at a faster rate but the tape to secure it was causing my skin to blister and itch. I had it on for 14 days.

I was off work for 6 weeks total, 4 of them were pure hell. The last 2 weeks I was really able to enjoy my family and I was feeling great. We even took a trip to Boyne to visit my grandma. All in all I am happy that I had the surgery but I NEVER want to go through it again.