I had my very first interview as a nurse today and had to ask V's Papa to take her to dance class. They were both excited, although I am sure he wouldn't admit it ;) She was being her normal energetic self all morning. Papa even took her to lunch, but the poor sweetie started complaining of a tummy ache on the way home and even had big alligator tears when she came through the door. Soon after she developed a fever and continued to complain of her tummy hurting her. She slept the evening away and is peacefully sleeping now.
Although she was sick today, she gave me a few laughs.........
V: "mommy, I am allergic to you.......but I still love you"
M: "why are you allergic to me"?
V: "I just am mommy"
Later while bent over in tummy pain.....
V: "Mommy, I am allergic to myself"........ I swear this girl is going to be a comedian
Here are some pics of her today (I had good lighting so I had to at least play with the camera and she was willing)lol
Poor Miss V! I hope she's feeling better today! :) Love the pictures!
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