Nothing better to do than be a mom of two...



Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm a busy mommy trying to make sure I take time to document my memories. Thanks for joining me on my journey as a wife, mommy, nurse, and aspiring photographer.

The happenings of the Vaillant 5

The happenings of the Vaillant 5
My beautiful Family

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

18 Months

Dear sweet Grayson,

I can hardly believe it has been 18 months since I held you in my arms for the first time. I wish I could slow time down for just a little while. You are growing much too fast. AS much as it saddens me that you are already a toddler, I adore watching you explore life and find your personality, and quite a personality you have! You look up to your big sister and try doing everything she does, including jumping from things that you aren't suppose to be jumping from. When I hear un,ti, eeeeeee (one, two, three)....I have to run and find where you are lunging yourself from. (usually 2 stairs up, or off the couch into a bean bag prepared ever so nicely by Veda)

You are completely smitten by your "opie" which is your little square blankie. You have to take it with you everywhere. Each corner is loved equally and you take turns tucking a corner in your mouth. I have to sneak it away from you in order to give it a good washing, and somehow you always catch me in the act and have huge aligator tears when I throw it into the wash.

This summer we discovered that you are not a fan of the water. We have taken you swimming many times and you prefer to be on the outside of the pool running around making mommy fearful that you are going to fall in!

One of your favorite things to do is sing along with your sissy, although
I can't understand a word of it, I love to hear your tune. Your favorite song is patty cake and you get very excited when mommy sings with you. Your favorite animal is a dog and when you see them you yell and point "dog dog" and go running for them. Your vocabulary is growing everyday. You are saying new words like ball, "cewal" for cereal, "be bewwry", for blueberry, "omeel" for oatmeal, and many more!

You are becoming more of a mommy's boy than you ever have before and I absolutely adore every moment of it. You always want to know where I am and come running to me with open arms and a huge smile on your face. I am almost positive that you said "ah lo ooo" (I love you) the other day before I left for work and it made my heart skip a beat.

Grayson, I am so lucky to be your mommy and I fall in love with you more with each passing day! I love you booboo!!




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