In other news, I am currently 12 weeks 5 days pregnant and the baby is looking fantastic, fingers crossed that everything remains that way. I have been having kidney issues the last few days and was even threatened with a hospital admission. I have stones and hydronephrosis. The docs are just going to keep a close eye on things for now.
The kids are doing fantastic. Veda amazes me everyday with her growing knowledge. Preschool has been an amazing adventure for her so far this year. She is really blossoming into a little lady. She is quite the entertainer as well. She loves to put on "shows" for us at home. She will come out of her room and sing songs and dance for us. Just tonight she was singing "Oh Christmas tree" while standing in front of the tree, then she kneels in from of the tree, puts her arms out as if she were going to hug the tree and says "Oh Christmas tree, please shine your lights bright so Santa can see" Sooooo stinking cute!!
Grayson is in his terrible two stage right now. He has quite a temper. If you don't give him what he wants he is sure to let you know by stomping his foot, flailing his arms and sometimes even throwing the unwanted object to the floor.We are trying to get these tantrums under control at this point and its quite a challenge. On a positive note he is talking a lot more these days and understands everything we tell him. I was worried for a while because Veda was talking at 15 months. I have heard from many people including my doctor that boys are normally slower to talk than girls. He is starting to catch up and I am certain he will be talking just as much as his sissy in no time. Then I am sure I will wonder why I was so worried about it! :)
Here are a few recent snapshots of the kiddos. They run from the camera these days so the snapshots are far and few between!
What beautiful children you have!
Found you through my post on WTE.
Hope you all had lovely white Christmas, and wishing you and your family a very happy New Year!
Thank you!
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