You have accomplished so many new things since your second birthday. You tackled and mastered potty learning at 26 months and just a few days ago stopped wearing pull-ups to bed. You are hilarious when you run to mommy and daddy shouting to us that you had gone poop and wanting to know if your butt is clean, meanwhile backing up to us with your booty in our direction. Only you Gray. I laugh out loud as I write this because you make me smile.
Mommy tries and tries to teach you things but clearly my idea of fun learning is very boring to you, I can hold your attention no longer than 5 minutes. This hasn't stopped you from learning the alphabet and counting to 15. You know all of your colors and most of your shapes. I'm so proud! Your vocabulary has really taken off and you are talking all the time, sometimes you say things that get you AND daddy into trouble but I won't mention those words here!
Your sister is your best friend and you always want to be where she is, even when she tries to lock you out of her room. The two of you play so nicely most of the time but wow can you fight! Always over silly things. Neither of you want to share your toys. You have a true sibling bond and I hope it stays that way forever. Just recently, during a trip to the pediatrician, you Grayson, asked for a sucker for sissy too and wouldn't eat yours until we got home to give sissy hers. This has happened numerous times between the two of you. So sweet.
The biggest thing to happen to you this year is that you became a big brother to Grant! You loved him at first, even for the first few months but slowly I started noticing the jealousy. You and I always had a very special bond and I think you felt betrayed because mommy was spending a lot of time with Grant. This has been such a struggle for me because I never ever want any of my children to feel less important than the other. I love you with my whole heart and I never for one second want you to feel any different. You have always been sweet to Grant, your frustrations were mostly seen in your behavior. You can throw an amazing tantrum and I often wonder if the neighbors can hear you? It has been a challenge on what consequences work for you when you are naughty but we are figuring it out and things are getting much better. Mommy has been trying to spend more alone time with each of you so that you can have my one on one attention and that seems to help. Today was awesome! We snuggled for an hour and a half, just you and I, which is amazing because unless you are sleeping, you do not stay still that long! Thank you for that, it warmed my heart and took me back to that very special moment when I held you for the very first time.
Today we celebrated Spider Man style. You woke up to a Spider Man decorated table and a Spider Man cake courtesy of daddy and his skills. You couldn't wait to open your presents but we made you wait until your party at 2. However, we had a special surprise waiting in the basement. A train table!! This kept you happy and content for a while! Papa, Uncle Skip, and Auntie joined us for your party. Nana was in Sweden for work and Grandma Rita wasn't feeling well so they were unable to make it. It didn't matter to you how many people where present, you have a great time. You rushed through eating so you could have cake and ice cream.....who could blame you? It was delicious! Then it was time for presents! You received a fire truck, a car, some clothes, coloring books, and a train set. You were thrilled with all of it. After everyone left daddy took you and Veda out to play in the snow. Aside from presents, this was your favorite part of the day. I hope you enjoyed your birthday as much as I did. Happy Birthday Grayson! I love you to the moon and back! XOXOXO Mommy.
The last picture has to be one of my faves...Gray has some skills! G1 also got see and sit in a real Fire Truck this past summer! Growing like a weed...slow down now 3s are my favorite age! Love you G1! Xo Auntie Ria
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