I try nonstop to get you to say ma-ma but you instead, say da-da! Figures doesn't it? You chatter and yell and love to hear your own voice. You have taken on biting and nursing gymnastics.....feeding time is interesting to say the least. You are really enjoying "real" food now. You aren't picky, you eat everything that we eat...except the big no no's of course. The sippy cup is a different story. You haven't quite mastered that yet. You prefer to just bite it and throw it on the floor. We will just keep trying!
Veda and Grayson are subjects of much interest to you these days. You follow them everywhere they go. Veda loves to make you belly laugh and just about anything she does produces that infectious laugh. Grayson is a little frustrated with your affection. He often tries to get you away from his toys. He will even drag you by your feet away from them...your never phased and you always laugh. Such a joy.
You are not a big fan of being left to play by yourself on the floor while mommy does dishes or vacuums so you are worn on my back in a wrap a lot, which usually induces sleep within 5 minutes. Most of the time you are very happy and just want all the attention to be on you. Im excited to see what the next month brings.
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