Nothing better to do than be a mom of two...



Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm a busy mommy trying to make sure I take time to document my memories. Thanks for joining me on my journey as a wife, mommy, nurse, and aspiring photographer.

The happenings of the Vaillant 5

The happenings of the Vaillant 5
My beautiful Family

Monday, December 23, 2013

Grant is 18 Months!

Grant, you bring so much joy to our lives everyday. You smile nonstop....unless of course you are told no. You adore Veda and Grayson and follow them everywhere. At this point, they love you to pieces but they don't love playing with you just yet. You tend to steal whatever they are playing with and run with it! Funny to mommy and daddy but not to them. Veda always runs to help you if you are crying or she see's you fall. I think you have stolen her heart as much as you stole mine. Grayson is finally really warming up to you and lets you climb all over him without too much complaining. The two of you are always fighting over my lap during the days when Veda is in school. I secretly adore it. Don't worry little one, I have room on my lap for all of you!

You get yourself into a lot of mischief. You have decided that you really dislike your booster seat at the table and throw a tantrum every time I try to put you in it. When I let you be a big boy and stand in a chair you climb on the table and steal Gray and Veda's food. Silly boy. You also love to brush your teeth and get very angry when we attempt to help you or put your toothbrush away. You usually end up throwing it.

I noticed that you aren't really into any specific toys you just like to get into everything that isn't a toy! Your favorite pastime lately is to run back and forth down the hallway. Its adorable. You run to the door, stop, and say GO and then run to mommy or daddy.

You love your blankie and have become very attached. Just like Grayson you call it your "D" and have to have it at all times. In the last 2 months you started sucking your thumb and when you are tired you grab your blankie and put your thumb in your mouth and I know its time for bed. Again, adorable. Its going to be a hard habit to break but I will deal with that later.

Your palate is still amazing and you will eat just about anything. Some of your favorites to date are oatmeal with peanut butter mixed in, yogurt, chicken, and pasta but you have no problem sharing my Mexican, Chinese, or Mediterranean food!

I'm excited to continue to watch you grow, learn, and explore but lets do this slowly, I don't want to miss a thing. I love you sweet baby boy!