Nothing better to do than be a mom of two...



Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm a busy mommy trying to make sure I take time to document my memories. Thanks for joining me on my journey as a wife, mommy, nurse, and aspiring photographer.

The happenings of the Vaillant 5

The happenings of the Vaillant 5
My beautiful Family

Friday, February 25, 2011


This was my first week working as an RN and it has been a busy week! Lots of orientation classes plus I actually worked on the floor! Very exciting. I love getting back into the swing of taking care of patients. I miss my kids while I am away but I snuggle them up as soon as I have the opportunity! I thought I was only working 3 days a week during orientation but I was wrong. This has been a little stressful but not all the days I am gone are long. Some are only a few hours thankfully. I had the chance to spend the entire day with the littles today and of course this meant I go out the D90! Here are some shots from today's mini shoot.....

Sunday, February 20, 2011


feels like this sometimes.......

We are going through lots of changes........I have been offered a full time nights position on the neuro unit at a local hospital. I am so fortunate to have found a job so quickly after graduation. I am grateful. However, I am also sad. I have been able to stay home with my kids for their entire lives so far and in the next few months I will have to be away from them 3 days a week while I am training. Training is during the day shift in order to benefit from all that goes on during the day....calling physicians, procedures, etc. I know its only 3 days but its frightening to think of others caring for MY children. I know they are in good hands, but I will miss them dearly. Luckily it is short term.Tomorrow is my first day and I am SO NERVOUS!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thirty Two.....WHAT? it possible that I can be that old young? Maybe I shouldn't announce my age so eagerly? oh well, your only as old as you feel and my children keep me young! I had an amazing day. It started off bright and early at 2am. Veda came running into my room shouting "Happy Birthday Mommy, its your birthday" and she jumped on the bed and gave me a HUGE hug!! normally, I wouldn't be so welcoming to a 2am wake up but how thoughtful is she? She was so excited to announce that it was mommy's special day. I LOVE that girl. Luckily, she went right back to sleep. I spent the rest of the day enjoying the kids and then a wonderful dinner prepared by my hubby once the kids were in bed for the night.

I had a chance to take some shots of the kids today......aren't they darling?

Monday, February 14, 2011

8 week old Mason

I had the opportunity to snap some pictures of this gorgeous little boy. He was precious and actually fell asleep and let me pose him a bit! hooray!! This has been the first cooperative baby so far! I have a long way to go but I am getting better!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bribery works!

Especially when trying to take photo's of this adorable 3yr old. V decided mommy could indulge in her favorite hobby and she even worked it for the camera!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Growing up

Veda has decided that she won't even look in the direction of my camera if I have it out. She immediately covers her face and says "no pictures" which is a complete bummer because she is an adorable subject! So while I am able to post plenty of pictures of Grayson, I will just have to share Veda's personality in other ways.

As I have mentioned before, she is a funny little girl and says things that make me crack up all. day. long.

just tonight at dinner, out of the blue she says "someday I am going to be too big for this house, I'm gonna be a ginent (giant)"

the other day she says while hugging me "I'm sorry I'm growing up but that is what happens when you get big"

she is definitely her fathers daughter. She was putting change in her piggy bank when I asked her what she was going to buy with her money her response was "cool video games" lol

I LOVE this age!!

Here is Grayson just yesterday. I was chasing him around with the camera and trying to distract him for 2 seconds before he ripped his hat off!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Cake Smash!!

This was just as fun as it looks! Grayson wasted no time at all digging into his cake. In fact, he had the opportunity to do it see, I am very new to the photography world and I make many, many, mistakes! What did I do you are wondering??? Well, I finally bought a gray card to set the white balance on my camera and when doing so I have to switch the lens to manual focus or else the camera cannot grab and focus on the card. Well as you probably already guessed it, I went the whole shoot without switching it back......ALL one hundred and some pictures were out of focus....what a nightmare. So off to the bakery I went to get another cake.....a one year olds dream come true, a nightmare for mommy! The second shoot went very well....thankfully. A HUGE thank you to Kristine Kraft for helping through my many questions and teaching me all this photography lingo! If you haven't already became a fan of her page you should do so now, she does AMAZING work! Kristine Kraft Photography

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Grayson!!

I can't believe I am writing that. It seems impossible. He was just born yesterday wasn't he? Why does time have to slip away so quickly? Can you believe this little man is walking? he has been since a few days after Christmas! He is always trying to keep up with his sissy. He just adores her. He has this great big smile with 8 little teeth that he loves to bite with.....ahem....he hasn't realized they are only for biting food. Luckily, we adore him! Grayson AKA boo boo, mommy loves you so much, you will never understand how special you are to me.......MUAH!

Here are some pictures from birth and from today. Tomorrow I will share with you his cake smash photo shoot!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Creativity Exercise #2

This was fun! The object of this exercise was for the photographer to pay attention to his/her surroundings with special attention to reflective objects. Mine happened to be V's eye. If you look closely you can see the reflection of me taking her photograph and you can see the window and the snowy background. Interesting, eh?