Nothing better to do than be a mom of two...



Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm a busy mommy trying to make sure I take time to document my memories. Thanks for joining me on my journey as a wife, mommy, nurse, and aspiring photographer.

The happenings of the Vaillant 5

The happenings of the Vaillant 5
My beautiful Family

Friday, March 29, 2013

EEG and CT

Grayson, my dear boy, you make mommy worry so much. 3 times in the last year you have woken up from your slumber screaming and when I come in your eyes are moving up and down rhythmically as if you were having some sort of seizure. The pediatrician isn't concerned but decided for my sanity to run some tests. Yesterday you had an EEG and a CT of your brain. These tests were going to be done under sedation but when they saw you the nurses thought you would do great without it. You did amazing!!!! I am sooo proud of you. The best part is that the test results are NEGATIVE! Since you were so amazing it didn't take very long and we were able to spend the afternoon together, just us! It was a blast! We had lunch and went to the mall. I really enjoyed our special day. We even went to the Disney store for you to pick out a toy for being so brave during your tests. You decided in some Jake and the never land pirate gear. Here are some snap shots of our day!

Sibling love....

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Money earned...

We started a chart with the two of you that helps remind you of the little things that you need to do, such as, brushing your teeth, cleaning up your bedroom, and using your manners. It's pretty effective this far. I'm so proud of you!! Here you are counting your earnings and putting it away in your piggy bank! Great job kids!

Friday, March 22, 2013

9 Months!

3/4 of a year already! You have mastered crawling and mommy has a difficult time keeping up with you! You have also began pulling yourself up on the couches and walking along them. You have even been brave enough to let go on several occasions which led to a prompt thud right on your bottom and a few times on your head. I'm always fearful of you getting hurt but I try to give you independence to explore. You are a drooly little man right now, I thought those top teeth were coming in weeks ago but they are taking their sweet time, making you quite miserable at times. Your sleeping pattern has been awful lately. You seem to take cat naps at night instead of actually getting a decent slumber. I know one day you will sleep all night and I will miss our night time snuggles so I'm trying not to complain and most nights we do okay. Sometimes daddy has to take over and rock you to sleep.... You prefer him to rock you anyway, you always fall fast asleep in daddy's arm relatively quick. It's a sweet moment for you and daddy. Your personality continues to shine. You are almost always happy and smiling, and it doesn't take much to get a belly laugh out of you. I love this age and watching you continue to explore your world at every angle you can reach. I love you Grant!

Friday, March 15, 2013


I just love to dress the two of you in matching Jams!


Not quite but it sure felt like it today.... It was somewhere in the 60's and it felt amazing! Crazy how a little sunshine and warm weather can put a little pep in my step. The littles really enjoyed getting outside and mommy and daddy did too!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Veda's Date Day

We did what girls do best! We went shopping! We found great deals at old navy and H&M. You were allowed to pick out your own clothes (within reason) and you really loved that! You also helped mommy choose some adorable clothes for your brothers. After shopping we shared a cherry slushy and sat next to the waterfall in the mall and chatted. It was a wonderful day! I can't wait to keep up with this special time for all of you.

Date day with Gray

Mommy and daddy are making time for each of you separately because we feel all 3 of you need undivided mommy and daddy time once in a while. Friday Afternoon was Grayson's turn. We met Lisa, Wyatt, and Weston at the mall so you boys could run around the play area and go on the rides. We really weren't alone but you were very excited to see your friend. We took a walk and you found the Disney store so we went in and you found a pair of Mickey pj's you HAD to have! After a couple hrs we headed home and our friends joined us. We enjoyed pizza and lots more playing! It was a wonderful day! I wish I had some pictures of our day but Mommy forgot to get out the phone to snap them!

Monday, March 4, 2013

The Grumpies

Mommy and daddy are trying very hard to parent you without constant yelling and negativity when you are misbehaving and today the two of you were being little devils and daddy flipped you upside down to "shake the grumpies out" and the response was lots of giggles. It was hilarious! Unfortunately, both of you continued to ride the naughty train and misbehave so you ended up in your bedrooms for timeout. Silly kids!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

March already?

I'm always in awe at how quickly time seems to fly, yet while I am working or doing anything less than exciting, time crawls....not that I don't think work is exciting, work is amazing, I just started working on the labor and delivery unit. My dream job! If I have to leave my kids a few days a week for work, this is where I want to be.
There is nothing too exciting going on this month so I'm hopeful March will seem long. As each month passes, my babies grow up more and I just want them to be little, longer!
We are starting our search for a new home and I can't wait until we find the perfect one! We are growing out of our house and would really like a house In Michigan. We are taking our time and being picky with our choice so it may take some time. We have been meticulous about putting every dime to pay off our debt and its certainly paying off! Here are a few photos from the last few days.

Veda and Grayson enjoyed having a sleep over at nana and papas house! Grayson's first time! It was tough for you to go to bed and you didn't fall asleep until midnight!