Nothing better to do than be a mom of two...



Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm a busy mommy trying to make sure I take time to document my memories. Thanks for joining me on my journey as a wife, mommy, nurse, and aspiring photographer.

The happenings of the Vaillant 5

The happenings of the Vaillant 5
My beautiful Family

Monday, December 23, 2013

Grant is 18 Months!

Grant, you bring so much joy to our lives everyday. You smile nonstop....unless of course you are told no. You adore Veda and Grayson and follow them everywhere. At this point, they love you to pieces but they don't love playing with you just yet. You tend to steal whatever they are playing with and run with it! Funny to mommy and daddy but not to them. Veda always runs to help you if you are crying or she see's you fall. I think you have stolen her heart as much as you stole mine. Grayson is finally really warming up to you and lets you climb all over him without too much complaining. The two of you are always fighting over my lap during the days when Veda is in school. I secretly adore it. Don't worry little one, I have room on my lap for all of you!

You get yourself into a lot of mischief. You have decided that you really dislike your booster seat at the table and throw a tantrum every time I try to put you in it. When I let you be a big boy and stand in a chair you climb on the table and steal Gray and Veda's food. Silly boy. You also love to brush your teeth and get very angry when we attempt to help you or put your toothbrush away. You usually end up throwing it.

I noticed that you aren't really into any specific toys you just like to get into everything that isn't a toy! Your favorite pastime lately is to run back and forth down the hallway. Its adorable. You run to the door, stop, and say GO and then run to mommy or daddy.

You love your blankie and have become very attached. Just like Grayson you call it your "D" and have to have it at all times. In the last 2 months you started sucking your thumb and when you are tired you grab your blankie and put your thumb in your mouth and I know its time for bed. Again, adorable. Its going to be a hard habit to break but I will deal with that later.

Your palate is still amazing and you will eat just about anything. Some of your favorites to date are oatmeal with peanut butter mixed in, yogurt, chicken, and pasta but you have no problem sharing my Mexican, Chinese, or Mediterranean food!

I'm excited to continue to watch you grow, learn, and explore but lets do this slowly, I don't want to miss a thing. I love you sweet baby boy!

Monday, November 25, 2013

School Happenings!

Veda, mommy couldn't be any prouder of you! You are truly enjoying kindergarten and all the new challenges. In October you practiced for the "pumpkin run" with your classmates and you totaled several miles of running during this couple week challenge. You made us so proud when you participated in the run and came in FIRST place for Kindergarten girls! Way to go!!

Just last week you brought home your "Hiawatha Student of The Month" reward.

Today, I enjoyed my first ever school conference with your teacher Mrs. Morelli and she had nothing but wonderful things to say about you. You are truly thriving. You are reading at an above average level for your class and you are very kind, well mannered, and polite. Again, WAY TO GO!! You are a shining star my darling! I love you to the moon and back! Muah!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Fall Family photos!

I have been a huge procrastinator with family photos. I even have a down payment made with another local photographer for a session but I keep pushing it back because I want to improve my appearance. Its sad really. My children don't care what I look like, they love me for who I am. It's selfish on my part because they memories are as much for them as they are for me. They will appreciate looking back on them someday. I decided, last minute to ask my dear friend Jessica to take the photos for me if I set up my camera. Luckily, she was more than willing! We only lasted about 20 mins but I think we got some great shots and I am so happy we did it!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mini Vacation with the Kraft family!

We have made this an annual thing, vacation with the Krafts that is! We always have such a blast. Its truly amazing that we can cram 4 adults and 6 children into a hotel room and not go completely insane. Our children get along incredible well. This year was 4 days at Kalahari. Kristine and Kevin drove several hours with the girls to join us for lots of fun. We spent hours and hours at the water park but we also enjoyed other amenities that the indoor park had to offer. The kids loved backlight mini golf and the "play area" which consisted of a GIANT play area with lots of levels to climb and the "slide of death" as us adults called it. We enjoyed tons of not-so-healthy food and drinks. Whats not to love? Of course, there is always some sort of glitch that tries to damper the fun. Grayson became feverish on day 3 and was out for the count. Poor little man was miserable. He ended up feverish for 3 days. Grant was a crazy little man on the slides and decided he wanted to climb up the slide and before I could grab him out of harms way, he fell. He gashed himself right under the eye, leaving it black and blue. He didn't let it bother him though, he was ready to get back into the water in no time. Grant also decided that he was boycoting sleep while we were away from home. He was awake most of the night every night. Thank goodness daddy saved the day every morning and took him for walks to allow the rest of us to sleep. He was quite the handful but he was just exploring everything and having a great time.
It was nice to get home to our beds but its always sad when vacation is over, especially when we go with great friends. I can't wait for our next adventure!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

15 months!

Im a little late with this post because life has been incredibly busy. How has 15 months gone by since I held you in my arms for the first time?! Grant, there is never a dull moment with you. You keep us very busy. Your latest favorite pastime is climbing the stairs and climbing on top of the kitchen table with your arms up in the air saying "tada" it's adorable and scary all at the same time.
You are saying lots of words, such as, up, mama, dada, more, ball. You mimic lots of other words too. You are starting to point to body parts and it's so cute. You poke us in the nose and say "boop" thanks to daddy for teaching you that one! 
Your personality is really shining lately. You smile all the time and your always happy to greet mommy and daddy when we come home.... I think you secretly get more excited to see daddy! You give the best bear hugs and sweet little kisses. Ahhh you are an amazing little toddler. I love watching you grow! 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The Littles...

Trying to capture photos of the three of you is almost impossible! At least I got one! Veda 5 yrs 7mo, Grayson 3 yrs 6 mo, Grant 1 yr 2mo


Well, it finally happened, the moment I have been dreading for 5 1/2 yrs. Veda had her first day of Kindergarten. I fretted over it for weeks before the day actually arrived. The school clothes shopping, gathering of school supplies, picking out the most perfect first day of school outfit. It all happened in a flash. I shed a few tears, not in front of her of course. I didn't want her to think going to school was a sad event because I knew she would love it. It was much harder on me that it was for her. Veda has always been such an outgoing child. Luckily, we were able to ease into the transition with a day of orientation where we were introduced to her teacher and classmates. Mrs. Morelli is everything I would think a Kindergarten teacher should be. Veda has taken to her with ease. The only request from Veda the first week of school was that I walk in with her and drop her off at her door, something that isn't allowed after the first week. Of course I was ecstatic to do so. Now that she is comfortable she wants to be dropped off at the loop ( we drop off right at the door, close to the classroom, and there are adults waiting to welcome the children) She jumps right out of the car with a "see ya mom" breaks my heart and makes me happy all at the same time. I hope her love for school continues through the years. Here she is on her first day.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ears piercing

My rule has always been that if Veda ever wanted her ears pierced she had to ask. Well that day came. She went for Kindergarten shots and was as scared As could be. Shockingly, she handled them like a champ ( scraping her knees is the end of the world) immediately after getting into the car she begged to get her ears pierced. I had always told her it was like getting a shot. It would hurt but only for a brief moment. I was excited for her, we took the boys home and off we went. She did great!

Boys will be boys!

Grayson's favorite past time this summer has been peeing outside. I usually don't care if we are just at home playing outside but he took it to a new level while out for a bike ride. "Mommy, I hafta go potty whelly bad!!!" What was I suppose to let him do? I couldn't let him pee his pants, he would have been devastated... Do he did what he likes to do, he found a tree!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Veda strikes a pose!

5 1/2 years be that young and carefree. I love you my sweet girl!