Nothing better to do than be a mom of two...



Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm a busy mommy trying to make sure I take time to document my memories. Thanks for joining me on my journey as a wife, mommy, nurse, and aspiring photographer.

The happenings of the Vaillant 5

The happenings of the Vaillant 5
My beautiful Family

Tuesday, July 31, 2012



Daddy and his babies. He is an amazing father!


Baby wearing at its finest!

Monday, July 30, 2012




She is at it again :) "nursing" her baby. Today she says "mommy, it doesn't hurt when I nurse my baby, why does it hurt when you nurse yours"? Guess my faces during the first few weeks tell all!


My little tool man.


Can we say grumpy?


5 weeks 3 days! Holding his head up already!

Saturday, July 28, 2012


V is plugging her ears while Grant is screaming. After a minute or two she gets quite annoyed with him!


Grayson loves to be independent and put his own shoes on which is sad and adorable at the same time. However I'm happy to see that he still needs me to make sure they go on the right feet :)

Grant's Birth Story

I think, 5 weeks later its about time I post about Grant's arrival. As you can imagine I am a busy, busy mommy these days! I have to admit that I am loving the busy that being a mommy brings me. Don't get me wrong it isn't always blissful but I can recognize a blessing when I see one and I try hard not to complain....well at least too much when things become chaotic and stressful. Back up to the morning of June 22, 2012, 3:30 am to be exact. The alarm went off.....not that I was even sleeping since I was so anxious about the days exciting events. It was time to get my things around. I was to check in to the hospital at 5am. My work mom Michelle....amazing woman who has taken me in as a daughter of her own picked me up so Joe could get a half day of work in...weird? maybe to some. However, He doesn't have a ton of vacation days and I would like them spent as a family. We all know that inductions take time, so off to work he went. My mother in law came to hang with the older kids for the early part of the day. I arrive at the hospital and have the best nurse ever, thank you Kim. It was an honor to have you caring for me and my special bundle. She got the IV started.....after a try or two! OUCH KIM!! I was checked by a resident and was 2 to 3 cm dilated. Pitocin was started at 6am. I was checked again a few hours later and I was 3 to 4 cm and having regular contractions. Around 10:30 Dr. Gordan came in to break my bag of water and it was much too painful since I had no medication on board at this point. She decided to wait until I had the epidural. Epidural was in place shortly after. Thank you very much....ahhhhh! Boy was my right leg extra numb! At one point when I was checked I was 4 to 5 cm but Grant was not making his way down and he was in the sunny side up position. Dr Gordan Gave him 2 hrs to turn and make his way down or she was talking c-section...this was at 3:30 pm. I was shocked considering I hadn't been in labor very long and quite frankly unless there was a real reason for a c-section there was no way I was having one! Things started happening quickly from here on out. I could tell something was different. The contractions were more intense and I started feeling pressure. I was checked and BAM! I was an 8, this was around 4. We all sat around and chit chatted, Dr. Gordan included. I was sitting in a chair position to allow gravity to help him move down. I was checked again and was a 9. Just after 5pm I was checked once more and I was fully dilated and ready to push. At 5:13 Grant made his arrival! He was beautiful and chubby! Everyone guessed he was over 9lbs by his appearance but he surprised us all by weighing in at 8lbs 7oz. He nursed like a champ right away and we spent a couple hours snuggling and getting to know eachother before he met his siblings and was wisked away to the nursery for a bath. It was a great experience that I will never forget. Grant is the perfect caboose to our family!


Grayson Grayson Grayson! Why do you let big sissy dress you up? Don't mind the stained Jammie shirt.....ummm Crayola lies when they say washable paint! Grrrr!




This picture signifies my first trip out as a mom of 3 with all three littles in tow. Grant was happily snug in the Ergo and look at these goofballs! I said the famous words "say cheese" and this was the result! Yikes!



Miss V loves to pretend to be a mommy. I love this age of make believe. Listening to her from the other room could keep me entertained for hours!



Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Lunch fort style!


It's been so hot out that we are stuck inside so this mommy had to find ways to keep them busy! Thanks for all the suggestions Maria!!


I look terrible here, it may have something to do with lack of sleep but we were trying out the Ergo and Grant approves!


24 days old


She loves holding her baby brother!


First playdate with a fellow Junebug!

Friday, July 13, 2012




Veda loves to pretend she is a mommy too!

Love baby yawns!




Sunday, July 1, 2012


These two must be tired from fulfilling their duties of big brother and big sister of the house because it sure isn't from all the crying, Grant is a fairly quiet baby so far!


A lovely tree fell on our house the morning after our first night home with Grant. Luckily, Joe's cousins husband came to our rescue and cut it up an got it off the house and no damage was done.


Shaving with daddy!


Does life get better than this? I think not!


A rare moment with his eyes open!


Loving this sweet face!