Nothing better to do than be a mom of two...



Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm a busy mommy trying to make sure I take time to document my memories. Thanks for joining me on my journey as a wife, mommy, nurse, and aspiring photographer.

The happenings of the Vaillant 5

The happenings of the Vaillant 5
My beautiful Family

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ears piercing

My rule has always been that if Veda ever wanted her ears pierced she had to ask. Well that day came. She went for Kindergarten shots and was as scared As could be. Shockingly, she handled them like a champ ( scraping her knees is the end of the world) immediately after getting into the car she begged to get her ears pierced. I had always told her it was like getting a shot. It would hurt but only for a brief moment. I was excited for her, we took the boys home and off we went. She did great!


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